Oficinas Terapêuticas com Super-Heróis: um estudo exploratório




The present study has the objective of analyzing the possibility of including in Psychological Assistance Institutions, because of the huge demand, Super Heroes Therapeutic Groups. This idea has emerge from the perception of a necessity of group work in institutions, aiming to decrease the waiting list of patients, adding the possibility of inserting the theme Super Heroes as therapeutic mediator, observing that, nowadays, children have been presenting in their speech and play, interest in histories and films about them. The technique developed in this research is an adaptation of Gutfreind (2003) experience with fairytales therapeutic groups. Six children, of both sexes, going to school, age range between five and seven years old and parents with low income were the group attended. All these kids were in the waiting list of patients, and had claimed of familiar relationship difficulties. These Therapeutic Groups happened in ten dates: two were designated to interview the parents and the other eight to meet and be with the children. At the end of the research, even though some considerations were made, could be seen that the Therapeutic Group helped in the emotional development and also offered some tools to the kids to work with reality.


psicologia super heroes oficinas terapêuticas therapeutic group psicanálise de criança super-heróis childrens psychoanalysis

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