Ocorrencia de Enterobacter sakazakii em formulas infantis para lactentes em hospitais e maternidades da região de Campinas/SP. / Ocurrence of Enterobacter sakazakii in infant formula for sucking baby in hospitals and maternities of Campinas region.




Enterobacter sakazakii is an emergent pathogenic bacteria, recently classified by the International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) as "severe risk for restricted population, representing threat of death or chronic sequels of long duration". The risk population is children under 1 year old, particularly the prematures and low corporal weight newly born. This group of risk can suffer serious illnesses as sepse, miningite and necrotizing enterocolite, with mortality rate around 20%. The vehicle most common of the infection has been powdered infant formulas, used in hospitals and maternities for the preparation of baby s bottles. From powdered formulas, sources of contamination can accumulate in bottles and utensils used on baby s bottles preparation, facilitating the bacteria dissemination. The present work had as objective to monitor the occurrence and help to control the risk of infections due to E. sakazakii in hospitals and maternities nurseries of Campinas region (SP), through microbiological analyses in related samples, verifying the hygienical conditions in the preparation of baby s bottles and utensils, and guiding the responsible ones on Good Higienical and Manipulation Practices of food. A total of 175 samples (98 powdered infant formula, 15 reconstituted infant formula for babies from 0 to 6 months, 2 reconstituted infant formula for prematures and/or low corporal weight newly born babies, 8 reconstituted infant formulas for children under 1 year old, 5 cow milk with starch samples, 3 UHT milk samples, 7 starch samples, 27 samples of utensils used for preparation of baby s bottles in the hospitals and maternities nurseries and 10 water samples used in the preparation of reconstituted formulas. E. sakazakii was detected in 12 powdered infant formula samples (12,24%) and in 4 starch samples. E. sakazakii was not present in the reconstituted infant formula samples, although had been detected in almost all types of powdered infant formulas analyzed, including ones destined to prematures. The highest incidence was observed among 2nd age powdered infant formulas samples (24,24%), followed by powdered infant formula for prematures and low corporal weight newly born babies (21,43%), that comprise the highest risk group, and 1st age powdered infant formulas samples (6,7%). Other species of the Enterobacteriacea family had been also detected in the samples of 1st and 2nd age. To evaluate the hygienical conditions of reconstituted formula samples analyses of Salmonella, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, total and termotolerants coliforms and mesophilic aerobic total count had been assayed. In 2 samples for 0 to 6 months babies was detected total coliforms (>2,4X10³MPN/ml) above the limit stablished in the current brasilian legislation, with mesophilic aerobic count around 3,7 X 10³ and 8,9X104 CFU/ml. In the reconstituted samples for prematures and low corporal weight newly born babies was detected B. cereus (5,0X10CFU/ml), at the maximum level limited at current legislation. At the other samples analyzed it was not detected pathogenic bacteria and other indicator microrganisms of unsatisfactory hygienical condition. Among the water samples, only one sample presented heterotrophic microorganism count (3,7X10²CFU/ml). Although the E. sakazakii occurrence in the powdered infant formula are low, we can conclude that its control depends basically on the rigorous application of good hygienical practices, including control of time/temperature during the preparation, handling and storage of the reconstituted product and also the continuous control during all production chain as the product is not commercially steril and constitute a rich nutrient source after liquid reconstitution. If efficient measures of prevention will not be taken to avoid the food contamination throughout its productive chain, the risk related to microbiological contamination can result in damages to the health of the consumer, with speciall concern to pacients in groups of risk such as newly born babies unable to receive breast-feeding. The powdered infant formula, as well as the reconstituted enters diet must receive special attention in relation to the procedures used for reconstitution and consuption, considering that the patients whom it are destined are generally susceptible to infections and its consequences.


recem-nascidos infants (newborn) enterobacter sakazakii powdered infant formula enterobacter sakazakii formula infantil em po

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