O vôo de Bartolomeu no roteiro cinematográfico - o padre voador / O vôo de Bartolomeu no roteiro cinematográfico - o padre voador




This term paper is about the creation of the screenplay O Padre Voador. Along with the screenplay we present the process of writing the script, divided into beginning and middle sections. The beginning narrates the idea and the involvement with the story of Bartolomeu Lourenço de Gusmão, which I developed as a graduate student in Languages Arts. I completed the first steps of character development and the writing of the plot for my Masters Degree at FFLCH-USP. The middle section addresses the realization that my dream of producing the film could be true. Therefore I enrolled in the doctorate program at this Escola de Comunicações e Artes under the guidance of Professor Ismail Xavier. The historical study of the century in which Bartolomeu lived was made possible with the aid of the History Department. In the middle section we also find the first version of the screenplay, submitted to Professors Flavio Aguiar and Roberto Moreira during the qualifying exam. The end consists of the second version of the screenplay, where I tried to incorporate the professorsvaluable suggestions and the fundamental view of the advisor.


baloon bartolomeu inquisition cinema roteiro bartolomeu balão cinema inquisição screenplay

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