O valor social do brincar para a criança: análise da brincadeira de rua na comunidade da CachoeiraGuarujá S.P.




This study discusses the value of Play for the child, his goal was to investigate the senses and meanings of joke street children between 9 and 11 years, appraised by professional team of education of rua da Municipal Department of Social Assistance of Guarujá as brincantes Street, residents in the neighborhood of waterfall, located in the municipality of Guaruja, Sao Paulo State. Given the objectives proposed in the research, based on the qualitative study, data were collected through semi-structured interviews and applied in their own space of the Street between September and November 2009. the playground is perceived as one of the pillars of the construction process of relations between the child and the world which allows a constructive this identity in the way of being, thinking and acting for the world s critical appropriation. research part of understanding of how children define the condition of "being a child", and their representations about playing. Critical analysis grasps the specific questions that lead to approximation of street children with feelings that emerge from this social experience. shapes of practical realization of the game on the conditions imposed by the public space, the confrontation between the play dreamed and lived in entering. Conversely parsing the value of the content and contributions from the game to the child s social, training points the implications and the impact of experience for their lives as a result of the search, it is concluded that certainly playing in the street offers a playful social experience, though, cannot be regarded as fully satisfactory experience with content able to contribute with an apprenticeship, strengthening the subjectivity of the child. by reason of conditions imposed by the street environment, given the risk with accidents, urban violence and disrespect human game Street which should be developed as spontaneous activity becomes an activity divested and alienating the play depending on the restrictions of spaces for play. thus offers reduced contributions for the construction of children s social imaginary, committing its rapprochement with the contents of an informational universe capable of inducing the critical understanding of everyday life, exercise between understanding and dealing with the real world


brincadeira de rua cidade de guarujá aprendizagem lúdica child childhood brazilian history joke street servico social criança infância história da infância brasileira desenvolvimento humano brincar desenvolvimento da autonomia desenvolvimento da crítica emancipação children human development playful learning play empowerment development of critical emancipation city of guarujá

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