O uso social da riqueza em João Calvino




In the social thought of Calvin, the cause of economic chaos, greed and social injustice in the sin which came into the world through the Fall in the Eden. But the work of Christ, through His church is responsible for the social and moral reorganization of the fallen society. Calvin denounces the spiritual danger of wealth, the moderation and the obligation to social assistance (giving donation). What should remain at any economical transaction, should be, always: honesty, love, moderation, christian conduct and charity. It is the christian way of living taken seriously. For him, the man carries out his complete humanity while working. The money, wealth and economic possessions are put at the human being disposition for the organization of his life and of society, which is solidarily responsible. Calvin used to combat the medieval theology of the optin for poverty in the monastic asceticism. For him the material life is intrinsically connected to the spiritual life. The humanist formation of Calvin, his piety, erutition and all the experience in the institutions he acted in (Genebra Academy, General Hospital and the French Fund) were determinat for the implantation of the Reform. It changed the attitude concerning money and poverty. Charity is a duty, a rewarding privilege, it is a social responsability of everyone. Calvins concept about the social use of wealth must reach us, in all areas of our life, in both spiritual and material ambit.


historia da teologia joão calvino história econômica responsabilidade social reform poverty riqueza reforma economy social responsability wealth john calvin

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