A doutrina da justificação pela fé em João Calvino e São Bernardo de Claraval: uma abordagem na perspectiva da análise do discurso




The aim of this thesis is analyzing the theme: The doctrine of justification by faith in John Calvin and in St. Bernard of Clairvaux: an approach from the perspective of Speech Analysis. It is based on principles of Speech Analysis and Argumentative Semantics as well, according to their principal theoretic thinkers, e.g., Dominique Maingueneau, Eni P. Orlandi, Ingedore G. Villaça Koch and José Luiz Fiorin. The main text used is John Calvins Institutes of the Christian Religion, specially the Book III, where Calvin speaks about Justification by Faith. The point of this research was to discover the meaning and the effects of sense which come from the construction and reconstruction of argumentative force in the use of St. Bernard of Clairvauxs quotations made by John Calvin in his texts, acknowledging that in doing so, Calvin was trying to validate his teachings to his addressers. In order to get this point Ive worked with the discursive formation expressing the ideology of the speaker and the ideas of places of both the speaker and the addresser as well.


teologia formação discursiva argumentation intertextuality análise do discurso speech analysis theology teologia justificação pela fé intertextualidade argumentação justification by faith discursive formation citação quotation

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