O uso novas tecnologias e software educacional na formação inicial do professor de matemática: uma análise dos cursos de licenciatura em matemática do MS




The present task aims at researching the first math teachers background in the degree courses of Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, analysing how the qualification of the future teacher has been done in relation to the usage of new educational technologies, as a helpful tool in the process of teaching and learning math. For that, we surveyed teachers background in Brazil, as well as in educational information technology analyzing the relationship between theory and practice and the occurred changes in the Degree Math Courses, done by the job market and by the rules carried out by MEC. Next, we interviewed teachers and coordinators from the degree math courses of Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, to get some data about the educational information technology usage in the future teachers background. We could check that only a few teachers make regular use of any kind of educational software for the teaching of specific content of math and that all researched institutions own computer labs, although not all teachers have access to them, due to the other courses or their own unsafely. We could also notice that the degree math courses aren t practicing the guidance done in their pedagogical projects, in relation to the use of computer applied to math education.


teachers background formação de professores educação matemática educacao math education tecnologia educacional educational technologie

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