O uso do computador na aprendizagem escolar de alunos com dificiencia mental




The basic idea of this research was to create a Logo environment similar to the one already in use by children with cerebral palsy, now with children with mental retardation from a private Institution. A group of six students was selected for the project. This group had two cerebral palsy children and other four were characterized as mental retarded ones. The principal of this Institution had a feeling about the potential of such a group and assigned a teacher to develop reading and writing skills to these students using the computer. The Logo methodology approach was used, and the group achieved different goals according to each individual capacity. There were also a significant growth as a team leading to a greater integration among the students and teacher, showing a much more mature relationship than any other class in the Institution. Another relevant aspect of this rese~rch is the different evaluation used to characterize the group and the barriers found in codifying these data. The reading and interpretation of these data was much more to reconfirm the deficiency rather than establish the amount of knowledge of the students. It showed how hard it was for the students to use their body as spatial reference. A parallel body-consciousness work was done with the students in order to help them internalize the spatial concepts and achieve results on the computer screen. Therefore, the methodological approach had the computer as a key catalyzer element in the classroom and it proved to be profitable and the remaining information about the students seem unnecessary. The results were positive at the end of two years, not only for the group, but also to raise various thesis about the evaluation of mental retarded children. The conclusions of this research leád not only to a radical different approach in groups with same characteristics, but also the ability to develop new ways to conduct classes with smaller children


aprendizagem logo (linguagem de programação de computador) ensino educação especial

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