O uso de fermento reciclado com teor reduzido em metabolitos e seu efeito na fermentação alcoolica




This trial was conducted to evaluate the influence of metabolites presents in wine, from separated materials by Melle-Boinot process in the parameters of alcoholic fermentation simulated in laboratory conditions. The experiments were taken using Saccharomyces cerevisiae (IZ 1904) and juice of molasse from Piracicaba County, State of São Paulo, Brazil, with two contents of Total Reducing Sugars in juice: 180 and 310g/L. The treatments were: yeast dispel in water (optimized culture) and yeast dispel in water and wine (conventional culture). The seven recycles were taken of yeast after the turn on the alcoholic fermentation. Using juice with 180g/L of TRS, the residual sugar contents in wine were greatest when conventional culture was used. Several differences were observed when the content of TRS in juice was 3 lOg/L. From the results it can be concluded which: l)The interference of the wine recycled on the metabolism of yeast is easily detected when the greatest sugar content in juice was used.2)The effects of metabolites on the metabolism of yeasts were verified. It is an indication of which the Melle-Boinot process may be optimized in industrials conditions.


metabolismo microbiano fermentação cana-de-açucar celulas - crescimento alcool melaço

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