O unicórnio e o rinoceronte : análise do ProJovem a partir de seus beneficiários.




This research examined the Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens ProJovem, a national public policy that aims at educating young people that are out of the educational system and of the job market. The investigation was carried out in order to verify changes in the way the young people affected by the policy perceive schooling and job market. It was based on Minayos proposition to analyze public policy from the observation of the changes it results. To do so, the research utilized concepts of change both from the sociological and psychological fields, as well as the concepts of public policy and youth, education and schooling. The data were obtained from a sample of elementary school graduates in Salvador- Bahia. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. The results show that there were changes in perception, but in different levels of importance. To the graduates in the sample, the gains came from finishing primary school, but the professional qualification they expected in the beginning of the Program was not attained.


youth public policy projovem política pública projovem educacao juventude

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