O teatro de Nelson Rodrigues: traduções e encenação em língua inglesa / Nelson Rodrigues\ theater: translations and performances in English Language


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse some translations and performances of Nelson Rodrigues´s theater presented in English recently. Theater Translation is not a very explored area within Translation Studies. The relationship between text and performance must be taken into consideration when translating for the stage. Theater texts can not be treated as literature due to the multiple nature of their signs, that goes beyond the linguistic dimension, including also rhythm, intonation, pause, design, costume and gesture, among other aspects. Analysing translations and performances staged in the United States and in England, it will be possible to see how the transposition of the Portuguese text into English occurred. The analysis includes linguistic issues and aspects related to theater as well.


encenação nelson rodrigues nelson rodrigues performance performance staging teatro theater theater translation tradução teatral

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