O tablado - mais de meio seculo de teatro e educação : historia-memoria : a chave para a perenidade do mais duradouro grupo teatral do Brasil




The subject being studied in this work is the Tablado (Stage), the theatrical group (founded in Rio de Janeiro in 1951 by playwright and director Maria Clara Machado) which, being at the same time a school for the theater, is the oldest one of its kind in Brazil. The history of the Tablado - which for decades has been a reference point in the Rio de Janeiro cultural life - had still not been recorded and analyzed in a complete way. It has been merely mentioned in some articles in the press and in rare commemorative editions; it exists mainly in the memory of the people that participated in it. For this reason, this work s objective is to recover and preserve this history which up to now has remained unwritten and not researched in its entirety, especially in the "post-Maria Clara" phase; to discuss the Tablado s function and pedagogical influence on the generations of students who took part in it; and to investigate its current situation, the fascination which it exerts on young people, its problems and its prospects. The work concludes that the main factor responsible for the survival of the Tablado - which remains the only Brazilian theatrical group with more than a halfcentury of uninterrupted activity - is Education. During most of the time, the theatrical company has been a provider of talent, resulting from its school activity. Since throughout its entire existence the group has continued to be a school, although not a formal one, Education was what linked the many generations that participated in it and was the key factor which enabled the Tablado to overcome its . difficulties - the group is now in its 53rd year of activity, after having emerged successtully from its latest crisis, resulting trom the recent death of Maria Clara Machado


socialização historia teatro na educação memoria

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