O supervisor que virou pedagogo : uma análise da significação do supervisor de ensino no estado do Paraná




Understanding the role of the teaching supervisor and the changes of his/her actions in the school is my primary goal. Therefore, the analysis of the change coming from the Supplementary Law 103/2004, and the way it works, implicates in extrapolating the legal aspects and going towards the supervisor?s practice. In other words, it means analyzing his/her role in the organization of the pedagogical work aiming at the end of the gap between the supervisors? work and the educational counselors? work. Thus, the problem is: Was there any change in the way the teaching supervisor works with the implementation of the Suplementary Law 103/2004, which changed the teaching supervisor into a pedagogue teacher in tbe state of Paraná? In order to investigate this, I have assumed a reflective posture about my own practice, working with real and concrete elements that could give meaning to this theory. Another concern I have is to characterize the identity of the teaching supervisor, a specialist in education, who has turned into a pedagogue teacher in the current administration of the state of Paraná. This study is divided in three chapters. In the first chapter, I have included a historical overview to contextualize the Pedagogy course in Brazil and the role given to the supervisor in different times. In the second chapter, I introduce an analysis of this specialist?s new configuration in the state of Paraná, by looking at the new role of the pedagogue and the issue of teaching as a basis for his/her professional education. I also analyze the influences of the World Bank orientations which reflect a neo-liberal policy, established by the reorganization of capitalism at the current stage of the globalization process. I study the possibility of using the Pedagogical-Political Project as a basic instrument for the action of the new pedagogue. In the third chapter, I analyze the data collected at the field research ? the understanding of the pedagogues themselves of this change. With this planning, the general objective of this study is to investigate the extension of the problem based on the role of the teaching supervisor (pedagogue), by analyzing its theoretical and political implications. The objective of the study was consistent with a methodological option that has privileged the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the analysis of the supervisor?s role. The target population was the pedagogues from state public schools of the NRE Londrina. The research instrument for data collection was a questionnaire about personal, educational and professional information, as well as the teaching supervisor?s perception about the current changes. The documental analysis and the literature review are a complement for what I have exposed. The field research points out the profile of the pedagogues at NRE Londrina and the ideas they have about the changes inside the school, and this can be considered a sample of what happens in the state of Paraná.


educação supervisão de ensino - educação school supervision school supervisors pedagogy

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