O socioambientalismo na perspectiva da sociedade civil latino americana : uma analise no ambito das conferencias das Nações Unidas / Social environmentalism in the Latin American civil society perspective : an analysis in the United Nations conferences




In this thesis objective was to investigate the construction of the social environmental approach in the perspective of the Latin America civil society at international level, with the cutting out in the international conferences and meetings organized by the United Nations on environment. In this sense, the intent was to understand the origins, the meanings and the ramifications the debate about sustainability, development, environmental issues taken place in the preparatory phases and during the realization of these meetings and, in which form they led to the formation of a social environmental perspective at the international level. It also shows the changes on the context, in the constitutive elements and in the theoretical referential created by the actors along five decades, especially regarding civil society. Therefore an analysis of the registers and products produced in the preparatory phases and during the realization of each one of the international events was carried out, both in the official scenario and in the parallel events. The theory also does an analysis following each one of the historical periods linked to the conferences and meetings of the United Nations and covered by the research (1960 and 1970, 1980, 1990 and century XXI) in order to build a characterization of the movements and social organization regarding their form, agenda, way of acting and of their relationship with other social actors, with special attention for the Latin-American reality. In the part conceptual part a short view was formulated about the main theoretical groups that tried to explain civil society and social movements during the transition of the century XX for the century XXI, where the most significant elements were highlighted referring to their characteristics, relations with their peers and with other social actors of the public and private sphere, besides emphasizing the differences regarding the civil society of other times. The main objective was to point out that those are concepts in constant alteration and object of great discussion on the academic field and in several areas, which reflects the complexity those actors have gained along the time. Since the Latin America is the focus of analysis of the theory, information about historical, social, economical and political reality of the region have been presented from a thematic axles referring common characteristic of the continent and that have signification for the appearance of social environmental approach: historical social, political and economical elements, relations between the public and private fields and relations of the civil society with the State in the democracy and in authoritarian regimes. Such an appreciation includes the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru. A picture is added up to this panel on the situation and the environmental challenges in the Latin America and its relations with the international sphere. Finally, the thesis presents the elements that ruled the formulation of the social environmental approach and the challenges so that this vision might be effectively implemented by social actors, being proposed the adoption of a paradigm ruled by Ecological Politics, able to face the environmental issue, its complexity and global character.


environmentalism civil society sustainable development latin america ambientalismo - aspectos sociais desenvolvimento sustentável sociedade civil

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