O simulacro do caipira nas histórias em quadrinhos de Chico Bento




The caipira (rustic), the man of the countryside, have served the inspiration it goes several authors to create texts and characters. He have been portrayed in several cultural expressions such the literature, theater, movies, music, comic books, besides being studied in scientific researches. In the comic books, the tacky is portrayed Chico Bento, created by Maurício de Souza, the popular most Brazilian cartoonist and author of dozens of characters based on all the Brazilian regions and adds foreign places. Chico Bento is the seven years old boy that lives with his parents in the small farm, in an undetermined village in the countryside of Brazil. The rustic, simple place, away from the big cities, in where people live from subsistence economy, it means, only what s really necessary to live. These features simulate in Chico Bento the picture of tacky the, however our goal is to demonstrate the way the author builds texts and characters simulating the represents of tacky the. At the start, we study the image of the tacky produced by authors such them Monteiro Lobato and Mazzaropi, and adds scientific studies showing the historic origin, the civilizatory process, the adequation to the environment, and the transformations suffered under the influence of the capitalism attn the countryside man. On the second phase, we analyse the character of Chico Bento trough the construction of its texts, checking the disposition of charactersboth main and secondarythe scenarios, the temporalities of the happenings, and the approached themes with lives frequency on the comic books. Finally, we tell the caipira s reality, studied attn the first chapter, with Chico Bento. Thus we compare the points of convergence and the ones of divergence between the character and the alone tacky real called. Therefore, we check how Mauricio de Souza describes the way of being and the actions of his characters. By these comparisons, we identify how much we consider Chico Bento the simulacra of the countryside man


caipira historias em quadrinhos -- brasil -- historia e critica chico bento -- (personagem de historia em quadrinhos) -- historia e critica comunicacao camponeses -- brasil

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