O silencio da escritura : a dimensão anunciativa do discurso dos Livros VI e VII da Republica




The correlation between the enunciative and the announcing dimensions of Plato s philosophical discourse is underline as the central motive of this reading as far as it circumscribe the conceptual structure in which the problem of the relationship between philosophy and language was, in the dialogues of the intermediary period, with special emphasis for the Books VI and VII of the Republic, considered. The problem was delimited in the search for knowing how the effects suggested by the announcing dimension interpenetrate the general structure of the writing composition. Such problem departs from the consideration that Plato s philosophical discourse, in this dialogues, is articulated as a result of an intentionality. This is noticed within the writing form either as a function of the indissociable nature of the link between philosophizing and philosophical discourse or through the announcing condition of the principie, what makes it impossible to reduce it to systematicity, although it tends to it, placing it as a horizon. It was observed that the mentioned effects are intended by the complex interwinement of the dinstinct discursive modalities, as the mythos, the mysterical discourse, the dialogicity and the dramaticity, and correspond to its own comprehension of the limits of writing and philosophical discourse as an intermediary


filosofia analise do discurso silencio (filosofia) escrita linguagem - filosofia

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