O Significado da pele para mulheres portadoras de dermatoses : abordagem para educação em saúde




This is a survey about women who from Dermatosis and that are hospitalized at that Santa Casa de Misericórdia (SCM) a philanthropic institution in Fortaleza. My professional performance as an occupational therapist as well as a faculty member have led me to examine the meaning ascribed to skin in the health/disease process for this group of women bearer of dermatosis and to identify important aspects of heir lives within the bio-sociological context that would allow me to understand the care for such clientele, mainly related to the health of their body, specifically the skin. The theoreticalmethodological underlyingprinciples were inspired by the Symbolic Interactionism. The meanings wereobtained from the contents of semi-structures interviews with ten women presenting dermatosis diagnoses, as well as from field notes, readings of patients records and from their expressive behaviors. Through the organization of talks and analysis of results, six topics have been identified: conceptions, beliefs and values about the skin organ; the skin as a symbol of beauty; the conception of skin in the process of socialization; the meaning and cause of disease; action capability in front of a disease; and, finally, subjectivity and changes of behavior in everyday life. Most of them explained that the sick skins reflects in different aspects, relating itself to divine punishment, emotional conflicts, affective losses, economic damages and social inhibition. This is reflected in conceiving the skin as essential part of the body which is closely linked to the formation of the body identity, and as the social role commited to women, because the lack of special care to the epiderm makes ones own care difficult, interfering in her body image and self-esteem. The results of this study require changes in the teaching and the practice of the Occupational Therapy Applied to Dermatology discipline, in the Course of Occupational Therapy at the Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR), which should be carried out through health educational actions aimed at the implementation of preventive measures that will reduce the relapse of grieves, as well as the mental and physical sequels caused by skin disease.


saude coletiva educaÇÃo em saÚde - dissertaÇÕes pele - doenÇas - dissertaÇÕes

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