O quebra-cabeça da cultura lúdica: lugares, parcerias e brincadeiras das crianças: desafios para políticas da infância




This dissertation is about an ethnographic research that was realized with a group of children in a public school, in a popular quarter of Pelotas city, Rio Grande do Sul. The focus of this investigation was the analisis of how express the culture play in childrenss view on interval and house-street context. The option for the socioanthropolist abordage include the dialogue with the History, Education, Physical Education and Visual Arts. The main instruments utilized on this research was: participant observations, talking interview and pictures. The datas analisis have based in a theoric center that articulate the childs play, the childhoods culture and the play culture. From this analisis, some cathegories were definided: the sense of interval, plays, partners and places; what / who it supports and / or disrupt the games; and follow subcathegories: the space, relations of manner and changes, repertory of plays; children /animals /adults; home, street and changes. The interval, as a time and space of production in the play culture and transmission of childhood culture presents, according to the children, multiple senses, being that to play is more propagated and intensively lived. The changes proposed at interval reflect in the relations of manners, pedagogical work, curriculum and school architecture. The children leave their marks on the spaces where they play, in spite of the restriction and adults impediment. The marks are in the way how they appropiate that spaces, duration, plays and partners that they choose. It is undeniable the importance of the pets in their plays. These marks also reflect the socials inequalities in the childrens childhood. The proposal of changes in the children in relation at the streets, the school and their own homes are predominantly colletive. Conclude that, although the play be not exclusive from de children, they are have resisted and fighted for that can enjoy it in their lives


childhood cultura lúdica culturas da infância play culture educacao childhoods cultures infância

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