O professor de matemática no laboratório de física: a importância do ensino de física experimental e de um novo paradgima educacional para renovar seu perfil.




Though being an important character at the educational staff by his constant presence in the classroom and also in the physics laboratories at the second grade instruction system, the licentiate mathematical teacher and qualified in Physics hasnt gotten yet the attention of the researchers and scientifical literature. This work aims to study the dilemmas and problems involving that teacher practice. It inquires and point out the reasons why results are always negative. It was carried out through the hypothesis that the problems come from lack of practical classes adapted to the subject tought, the precariously of the laboratories and a lack of teachers specifically trained whose practice are most of the time based on old-fashioned paradigms. These hypothesis would be the base of the gap existent on the teachers performance. The work also affirms the certainty that if the teacher education and his practice is orientated by the Piaget and Paulo Freire proposal, and if it counts with the structural resources, could bring up a new teacher style and a renewal praxis at the second grade instruction physics laboratories.


paradigmas. educação education. mathematical teacher. paradgms. matemática educacao

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