O PROCESSO DE TRANSFORMAÇÃO DA IDENTIDADE A PARTIR DA CONVERSÃO A UMA NOVA DENOMINAÇÃO RELIGIOSA: um estudo dos novos conversos ao grupo religioso das Testemunhas de Jeová em Juiz de Fora




This work aims to research the identity transformation process from the moment of the conversion to the Religious Movement of Jehovah s Witnesses: a study of converts from two Congregations in Juiz de Fora. It initially approaches theoretical reflections on the postmodernity moment, the identity and the difference as well as a brief study on the religious conversion. It intends to show Jehovah s Witnesses reality from the point of view of the religious movement itself. The objective of this research is to understand the construction process of their new identity, how they harmonize with other converts and how they accept each other from the moment of their conversion. The work was modeled from Jehovah s Witnesses perspective. It is a vision of the Religious Movement of Jehovah s Witnesses based on their records and an analysis of the new identity based on these social actors narratives in their own social environment


testemunhas de jeová teologia conversão built-i conversion identity eu-construído jehovah s witnesses diferença difference identidade

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