O processo de implantação do ensino superior na região do pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul Corumbá: 1961-2002 / The higher education implementation process in the region of Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul - Corumbá: (1961-2002).




The research developed is part of a broader work carried out by the Program of Master Degree from Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state which, by means of GEPPES (a study group), has been stud ying the phenomenon of Higher Education movement towards cities other than the capital cities. I was assigned with the task of trying to complement the several aspects discussed so far, by analyzing the higher education implementation process in Corumbá, a city located in the west of Mato Grosso do Sul state, from 1961 to 2002. During this period two units were implemented, a public one and a private one. The method used was the documental analysis; the documents were collected in publications, the institut ions official papers and statistical sources. Until 1967, there was no institution of higher education in the region. After secondary school, it was necessary to move to other places to continue the studies, which proved to be an obstacle for most people, since the financial demand was very high. The first unit of higher education was ISPC - Instituto Superior de Pedagogia de Corumbá, which belonged to Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso, and later Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Now ISPC gave place to Campus do Pantanal, a great advance for the local community. It began with four courses of teaching education, and later other courses were added to meet the demand of the local market. After this advance, another institution of higher education was implemented in 1999: Instituto de Ensino Superior do Pantanal, a private initiative, which offered more options for the young people in the region. The second institution brought along not only the inclusion of a higher number of students, notably decreasing exclusion and meeting the increasing demand for this level of education; it also offered courses that are more able to meet the regions peculiarities. In the face of the results, we consider that the higher education implementation process is part of a national movement of expanding the higher education in Brazil, begun in 1961, as one of the policies that meet the demands of the Washington Consensus, by decentralizing the actions of the State and trusting to the private initiative the services considered as nonexclusive, such as universities, hospitals, teaching centers and others.


política educacional campus de corumbá - ms. economia da educacao educação superior superior education in corumbá. educational politics

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