O processo de democratização e a política externa mexicana de direitos humanos: uma análise ao longo de duas décadas (1988-2006) / The democratization process and the mexican external politics of human rights: an analyses trhough two decades (1988-2006)




This dissertation analyzes the links between Mexicos human rights foreign policy during Salinas, Zedillos and Foxs governments (1988-2006) and the democratization process that was also occurring in this same period, exploring the impact of the political transition on the changes that occurred in Mexican human rights foreign policy. Our hypothesis is that the impact of the democratization process on Mexican human rights foreign policy has two distinct moments and rationales: first, one that is described by the boomerang-spiral model literature with theoretical insights of the political opportunity perspective and equivalent to Salinas and Zedillos years in government; second, one that is explained by the lock-in thesis for Foxs government. During Salinas and Zedillos years, the consolidation of the democratization process that had been in motion at least since 1977 created a more favorable political opportunity structure that helped to increase the number of Mexican human rights NGOs; these NGOs joined later a transnational human rights advocacy network and together they pressed the Mexican government for themes concerning human rights. In response, Mexican administrations started to change important features of Mexicos traditional foreign policy to avoid image costs and pressure. Finally, the second moment analyzed in this dissertation comprises the years of Foxs government. Here the changes in the human rights foreign policy were not the result of the pressure exercised by the transnational human rights network of activists as described by the boomerang and spiral models. They were initiated endogenously in the government, which expected to lock in Mexicos new democratic situation with international commitments and to assure international audiences of the credibility of its commitments to democratic reforms and human rights.


atores transnacionais democratização democratization direitos humanos foreign policy human rights mexico méxico política externa transnational actors

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