O português culto falado por alemães residentes na cidade de São Paulo: gramaticalização e contato entre línguas / The formal Portuguese spoken by resident germans in São Paulo: grammaticalization and contact between languages




This work presents the analysis of sentences that contain the preposition to (para) accompanied of verbs in the infinitive (to+infinitive), beginning subordinate sentences in speeches uttered by resident Germans in São Paulo, with the intention of establishing if all the sentences, in fact, constitute the idea of purpose, or if they have different semantic values. The corpus is constituted by occurrences that came from interviews with the referred Germans done by me. They are interviews of informal character without a preestablished theme. The structure to+infinitive was used in semantic contexts that question its purpose value, being ambiguous or presenting semantic fading. Those other meanings, more abstract, indicate the grammaticalization process in the Portuguese language spoken by those Germans. The final structure in the German language presents variations: um...zu and damit. Besides those structures, the form zu+verb in infinitive, according to Hochdeutsch (pattern German), for indicating verbs in the infinitive, simply, or subordinated sentences reduced of infinitive, also came in contexts that generated doubts about its significance, being, for that, considered ambiguous. That fact appeared for a grammaticalization process also in the German language. For there being more than an element in the German language translated for the Portuguese language with the meaning of the preposition to, I used translations (for German) of the corpus, as well as data of German blogs and German online newspapers, in order to establish comparisons for the development of the analyses. The purpose of this work is to contribute in the pedagogic process of teaching-learning of the German language while L2, demonstrating that there can be different semantic perceptions of syntactic structures not only of the students but also of the teachers when they produce speeches in L1 and in L2.


contextos semânticos replicação grammaticalization orações finais contato linguístico replication semantic contexts language contact gramaticalização final sentences

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