O planejamento como instrumento de gestão estratégica na organização universitária




Knowledge is being considered, concerning the new trends in social relatlonship, an important economical resource. Developed countries are investing in human and technological skills, and they are striving to change educational culture by means of innovative teaching, research and academical extension models which can meet the individual and social groups needs. The challenge nowadays is to give a satisfactory answer to society. Universities are due to face this growing demand even though College Education in Brazil has limited resources and the main governmental concern is quality. Ali kinds of Universities, no matter if they are public, communitary, confessional, philanthropic or private, dispute opportunities of student selection in the same market, as well as the development of institutional reserch, or in enterprise partnership and third-part services. Concerning the need of creating competitive and diferentiating factors, it is indispensible that the educational organizations should think and plan over a strategical management process which could be effective in the resources usage and return to society. To have strategical management and planning, Universities should undergo a cultural adaptation, as well as an adequacy to reality and social needs. In case of need, Universities should algo reformulate their rules, mission, objectives and strategical planning to make them tools of interaction for the political, structural and sociallevels of University Organization. This work highlights planning as a toei of University management and provides a bibliographical research as well as a case study for College planners and managers


ensino superior administracao de empresas administracao universidade de sao francisco dissertacoes academicas -- administracao organizacao universitaria

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