O pai na clínica fonoaudiológica: ausente ou excluido




This research begins from the biggest complaint brought from the speech therapist about the fathers absence in the treatment in speech therapy. In this perspective, aim to identificate the space that the speech therapist attribuites to the childrens father who attend in your practical clinic, refleting about the involvement, in this context, producing their inclusion or their exclusion. Restrict the silence about the father in the speech therapy literature and proceed the discussion about what three speech therapists say when they talk about the inserting of the families at their clinic activities. Explicit the family concept, outling the paternal function in the structuring of the person, setting up their function in the speech therapy clinic. The result points out to facts that dont present the father as an absent. Ratifing his condition of excluded by the speech therapy. He also points to the fact that his inclusion exist because of the professional intuition, and because this one doesnt reveal more consistency position about the fathers participation in the clinic


fonoaudiólogos fonoaudiologia clínica fonoaudiológica participação do pai

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