O Messianismo acadêmico : redenção pela classe operária : uma análise da produção acadêmica das décadas de 1970 e 1980


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The academic production of the decades of 1970 and 1980, which is devoted to the formation of the Brazilian working class, brings with itself the futures expectations of their specialists. Therefore, the past appears as sign of what will come according to history representations and of the working class. This dissertation has for objective to appear as those representations, on one side, they are constituted historically, through the incorporation of the sociocultural configurations; and, on the other hand, they show as producers of the practice and of the academic speech, establishing the theoretical fields of understanding of the formation of the Brazilian working class. In this perspective, we understood that the academic production comes as cultural production that transforms rude materials (memory) in cultural materials (history), attributing sense and rationality; in agreement with a sociocultural and temporary place, a practice and writing. In the first chapter, we pointed the working class representations and the history presents in the Marxist tradition that influenced the Brazilian academic production. The second chapter is dedicated to an abbreviation analysis of the several speeches regarding the Brazilian working class, besides of the academic production previous to 1970. We analyzed, in the third and fourth chapters, respectively, the academic production of the decade of 1970 and of the decade of 1980; composing like this the center of our subjects.


história social produção acadêmica - classe operária - história social history academic power - working classes - history

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