O maestro e sua atuação artística na igreja evangélica Assembléia de Deus sede do ministério do Belém: São Paulo - SP (1960/2010)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The main reason of this work is to show historical dates of the Whituntides of Brazil and the evangelical church "Assembléia de Deus" with the headquarter "Ministério do Belém" and his education proceedings relating to music and arts. The "Ministério do Belém", one of the majors and eldest headquarters of "Assembléias de Deus", is a Brazilian institution founded by the Swiss-Whitsuntides. The mith, that the churches "Assembléia de Deus" are fruits of a state-batism, or any other mission, exist in Brazil, because there is at North-America an association of churchs with the same name "Assemblies of God". The reason why the churches "Assembléia de Deus" don`t write their history is, because they are a big religion institution, always creating fantastical stories, incorporating "Assembléia de Deus" of Brazil like a branch, which announced her independence after their development. (This is one of the possibilities to be studied). All "Assembléias de Deus" in Brazil are an united institution, but because of little political internal divergences, they have separated administration, but they are always united in the conventions. The reason of our study or work is the evangelical church "Assembléia de Deus" of the "Ministério do Belém", with about 1.900 congregations in Brazil. (For better understanding of the study, we are treating them like branchs). That church and their branchs belong to the convention with the name CGADB (General-Convention of Assembléia de Deus at Brazil). The masters, which ar working at that churches have different papers or assignments than the secular masters, due to the difference of preparing or training of them. They should use another more appropriated title. While the during investigation of this masterXI case, we came across with anthem of the Assembléia "Harpa Cristã". (This information is explained in Chapter 2)


harpa cristã hino anthem ensino teaching maestro master assembléia de deus música educação musical maestro de igreja musica assemblies of god music musical education master of church pentecostalismo whitsuntides

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