O item lexical mas: uma descrição sintático-semântico-discursiva nas crônicas de Luis Fernando Verissimo / The lexical item "but": a description syntax-semantics-discursive of the chronics of Luis Fernando Veríssimo




This dissertation consists of primarily in the description and interpretation of the lexical item but in cronics of Luis Fernando Verissimo following a syntax-semantics-discursive approach. The word "but" is identified in texts in accordance with its position in a sentence and analyzed from this insertion point. Due to the variety of implementations of such lexical item and related terms, sentences, periods, paragraphs and larger portions of text, its role in the construction of cohesion, coherent textual progression, limitations of discursive phases, and the argumentative orientation of the discurses was evidenced. A better understand of the cronics of Luis Fernando Verissimo is accomplished through the linguistic makr of the lexical item but.


discurso discourse argumentation lingua portuguesa the lexical item "but" item lexical "mas" argumentação

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