O Impacto da Lei Kandir sobre a Economia Paulista / The Impact of the Kandir Law on the Economy of S.Paulo State




In september 1996, the National Congress approved the Complemmentary Law # 87. addressed to reduce the state value-added tax (VAT).This tax incentive law aimed to support exports of agricultural and semi-processed products so as taxed capital and service goods. The main reasons to adopt this tax incentive were to stimulate not only the export but also the domestic investiment in the Brazilian economy. Initially the iniciative met state government resistence since it resulted in an important lost of their most important tax revenue. As a consequence, the Federal Government negociated with the states a mechanism of compensation based on a concept of revenue insurance. The report will evaluate both (i) the impact of the law on the Brazilian export and capital goods investment and (ii) its effect on the state finance through of the eventual lost of tax revenue.


lei kandir desoneração tributária finanças públicas e icms

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