O idoso e a internet : uma relação possível




The study on Internet use by elderly people is a relatively recent issue, in the geriatric research, which evolved from earlier research by scholars like Kachar (2001, 2003), Christ et al (2002) and Garcia (2008). Even overcoming the obstacles and constraints related to physical (body limitations), social (retirement), and health (depression and loneliness) impediments, elderly can benefit from internet as a tool to disseminate relevant information to the achievement and maintenance of quality life, citizenship and social and digital inclusion. From this perspective, this thesis aims to study the social representation of elderly people resident in Distrito Federal on the Internet by a group of elderly individuals who access the Internet. The research was compiled in three different moments (literature review, data collection and analysis and discussion of results), based on the Theory of Social Representations (TRS). For Data collection, through qualitative research observation, a socio-demographic inventory and a semi-structured interview were used, after the approval of the Committee of Ethic and Research. The data received treatment by content analysis from the perspective of Laurence Bardin and the program ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte dum Ensemble de Segments de Texte), a program for textual analysis. During the analysis three categories and their subcategories were constructed, namely: I - Benefits (contributions from the Internet to improve their quality of life): Subcategories: A Intellectual Potential B - Socialization; C - Quality of Life II - Feelings (information that biological beings are capable of feeling in situations they experience). Subcategories: A Satisfaction; B Gratitude; C Joy; D Empathy and III Sense (old people are considered as unique beings due to the capacity of giving different meanings to acts, actions, and events), having as subcategories: A Company; B - Proficiency and C - Digital and Social Inclusion. From the content analysis it was possible to notice that the use of internet by elderly is anchored in a constellation of meanings that range from the simple curiosity, to the search of quality of life. The use of Alceste, confirmed the Internet anchors in the typologies outlined in the common sense and scientific literature. Given this premise it is considered that the results may contribute to future research.


inclusão digital elderly ciências da saúde internet internet (redes de computação) social representation idosos

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