Autoconceito do idoso e biodança: uma relação possível




This paper had the objective of investigating how the practive of Biodance influence the elderly person self-concept. The research was elaborated in three stages: revision of literature related to the themes, such aging body, self-concept, Biodance, music, dance and life experience, field research with semi structured interviews centered in questions related to aging and self-concept, analyses and discussion of colleted data. The research method was the phenomenologic and qualitative approach. An analysis of the data collected was made and an attempt was made to relate the results to the observation data. Were to the pioneer character to the academic area, as a basis for new investigations related to the theme Biodance/self-concept, as well as for studies with elderly people, considering its extension to these new perspectives for recuperation of losses.


biodança vivência corpo elderly people biodance body self-concepto life experience idosos - psicologia; dança; música - idosos; amor próprio saude coletiva autoconceito idoso

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