O gay no ambiente de trabalho: uma análise dos efeitos em ser gay nas organizações contemporâneas / The gay in the workplace: a study of the effects of being gay in the contemporaries organizations.




This study had as objective to analyze gay in the workplace, being detached the effects of being gay in the contemporaries organizations. The research was directed to fifteen gays men, workers of public, private and of mixing economy companies in Brasilia, Brazil, having been developed, validated and applied an instrument of research with 20 questions related to the different aspects that involve gay in the workplace and the social life, giving emphasis to the impacts perceived and lived for them for being assumed or seen as gays. The analysis identified the decurrent effects of the revelation (or not) of the sexual orientation in the workplace detaching that the decision to become public the sexual orientation depends on the organizacional context which the individual belongs and in this point, exactly ahead of social initiatives, the discrimination against this minority group still exists, being reflected in homophobic actions, in barriers in moving on to the professional ascension and the difficulty of relationship.


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