O eterno selo: morte e narrativa / The eternal seal: death and narrative


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Death, exceeding positive or negative acting, since the dawn of man, takes on a fundamental role. Its rites reflected remarkably the human understanding concerning death and its artifices, some times closer, some times further away from interlinked relations into society. Since its inception, Philosophy has always looked for discovering the implications of death towards human life. In literature, the theme is a constant, often determining its paths, its tragedies and narrative solutions found. Using as theoretical support the work of Philippe Ariès, Édouard Glissant, and above all Michel Foucault and Maurice Blanchot, this dissertation tries to understand the presence of death, in its various meanings, in the narrative of Adonias Filho. For this, his work focuses Memórias de Lázaro, which forms the trilogy of the deads (Os servos da morte, Memórias de Lázaro and Corpo Vivo), by the itajuipan writer. The proposal is to make a comparison of the mentioned writers works and his contemporary trends of the narrative writing with the mentioned scholars, being understood death as the essential input for the narrative operation.


contemporaneidade contemporary death filosofia morte narrative philosophy narrativa

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