O espaço "concebido" e o espaço "vivido" da morada rural: políticas públicas x modo de vida camponês / The conceived and lived space of the rural housing: public politics x peasant´s way of life




The aim of this paper is at first, to understand and to register two fundamental issues. The first is the territorialization of the peasantry in Brazil as it happened through history, and the public policies which defined and define the design of the rural space. The second report is a brief survey of the housing demands and production in the country. The research is also based on a concrete experience of the construction of popular houses, in a kind of self management and getting together to build each others house in the settlement Fazenda Pirituba, Itapeva, São Paulo. The observation of the peasants way of life during the implantation of the Rural Housing Subsidy Program (PSH-Rural), appears as one of the ways to understand the several adjustments and disagreements of this method. Since it is a more than 20 years old settlement, the Fazenda Pirituba consolidates as a territory worthy of peasant manifestation that is identified from the way these families organize their daily activities redefining and reinventing the design of the settlement given by the state to the mediation with technicians for the organization of the place. Through the observation of the peasants way of life, their relation with the work, the time, the land, the family and neighbors and also how these relations happen, such as the house- backyard and its surroundings, the small farm; it is possible to visualize the formulation of public policies that are appropriate to their modus vivendi.


modo de vida camponês política de habitação rural psh-rural rural-psh policy of rural housing peasants way of life

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