O ensino de astronomia nos anos iniciais: reflexões produzidas em uma Comunidade de Prática / The study of astronomy in the early years of Elementary School: reflections produced in a Communitie of Practice


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation has as main objective comprehend the study of astronomy in the early years of Elementary School. To do so we propose building a community of practice in a school of basic education in the town of Rio Grande RS through the Participative Research. Were invited teacher from the early years of these schools, to take part in some meetings, in which it would be studied the teaching of astronomy during the early years. Eight teachers of the early years accepted to take part, which them majority of them have graduation in pedagogy. These teachers started meeting every fifteen days to discuss and plan actions that could be carried out in their classrooms. During these meetings some enquires were made to these teachers, such as the objective why they have opted for this or that activity, this or that content. It was evident that their methodological choices were related to their theoretical conceptions as much with the relation teaching learning, as with their conceptual relation with the theme of astronomy. In other words, the epistemological conceptions of the teachers emerged in to their words and pedagogical choices. Besides, the election of contents was made through, in great part, because of some knowledge the teacher brought from previous classes elaborated with the same theme. Or also started from a curiosity that themselves brought, or from the books from the school library available for the years they teach. So we understand the teaching of astronomy in the early years in is still a very particular option of the teachers, once it is still not assured by official documents such as Curricular Referential of the Town and also the PCN from Elementary School, although in this document there would be the affirmation of the necessity of the teacher take into account the current knowledge produced like astronomy in their class planning. Besides, the teachers previous experience helps in what is produced to the new groups. It is, however, challenging to think about the teaching of astronomy in the early years, once those teachers have little knowledge about this science, and yet, they prioritize teaching the mother language (Portuguese) and mathematics in their classes. However, the Community of Practice became truth to re-think the pedagogical practice of the science teaching in a collective way. As well as re-think the space in the school of Basic Education to the continuing education, sharing knowledge and experiences. Accordingly, it is thought in the Communities of Practice as a place and a space where the teachers have opportunity to access challenges and possibilities to potentiate the science teaching since the early years of Elementary School.


educacao ensino astronomia ciências ensino fundamental anos iniciais comunidade de prática rio grande brasil teaching astronomy science elementary school early years communitie of practice brazil

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