O ECR na Relação - Fornecedor X Atacadista




This report titled Research About the ECR in the Suppliers X Wholesalers Relationship in Brazil , was developed by Professor Manoel A.S. Reis for the Nucleus for Research and Publications (NPP) of Fundacão Getulio Vargas de Sao Paulo. In the beginning some important concepts for the understanding of the text and considerations about ECR and its history in Brazil are presented. The main part of the work is the research performed with 10 suppliers and 20 wholesalers with special questionnaires responded by 60% of the suppliers and 40% of the wholesalers. The conclusions of the research are: · There are serious obstacles to be overwhelmed before ECR can be used extensively in the SUPPLIER X WHOLESALER relationship in Brazil, as follows: - The WHOLESALER sector has a strong resistance with ECR because it is afraid of loosing market share with this new way of making business. Therefore they don t involve themselves on a deeper understanding of its strategies and tools; - WHOLESALERS don t like to open their information to SUPPLIERS, one of the requirements for starting a successful ECR experience. They also have a strong rivalry with other WHOLESALERS; - WHOLESALERS disbelief SUPPLIERS. Some of them tried ECR tools but gave them up because SUPPLIERS do not honor agreements specially to reach sales targets at the end of each month. · According to the WHOLESALERS the survival of the sector depends on facts like: - Need of a deep cultural change of the WHOLESALER firms in order to adopt ECR purchase and sales concepts; - Need of specialization on some sales channels and their products in order to become specialist in their marketing; - Better inventory management; - More agile access to small retail business. · Factors that can increase WHOLESALE sector attractiveness for SUPPLIERS: - Lower number of transactions; - Cost reduction due to high volumes; - Services offered to small retail business (returns, exchanges, promotions, and incentives); - Large number of transactions with small business.


ecr pesquisa fornecedores atacadistas

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