O discurso sobre a avaliação escolar do ponto de vista do aluno




The main focus of this study is the understanding of the role (and force) of mediation that educational assessment exerts on the student s appropriation of knowledge in a teaching/leaming contexto The idea of this study had its origins in a need that was at the sarne time both practical and theoretical. The preocupations bom int the author s teaching practice were added to others that carne up in the content of the subject rnatter she teaches, which is Educational Assessrnent. The search for consistency between theory and practice moti vated this researcher in organizing her teaching based on the experiences reported by fourth year university students at PUCCAMP about the educational assessrnent they had experienced in various subj ects, during different school years, at various educational levels. The total of three hundred and ninety reports, collected during the school years of 1991, 92, 93 and 94 constitute the empirical data for this research project, which used amethodological approach based on the social-historical perspective, ruled by dialetic logic, maintaining the active role of the subject as a guideline. The objective of the analisys was to extract from the students discourse the representations these sarne students had constructed about educational assessment through their personal and social experiences. Discourse analysis was applied to the content of the reports and to language context, according to the dimension attributed by Foucault as to the discursive practice. The reported experiences, distributed between negative and positive events, led to the identification of the two distinct focuses for the organization of the representations of educational assessment, as well as the connection of their centers of meaning: normalizing the student s behaviour and his learning processi qualifying the student as a subject capable of knowing and of interacting with others. Another aspect this study points to is that the historical roots were found in the principIe of homogenization which presides over the organization of teaching which is simultaneous as to content, method and assessment. This scheme, which is particularly relevant for evaluation, affects not only the student s learning process in the educational context, but also that which makes possible any appropriation of knowledge. From this, we conclude that there is undeniable interference of the educational assessment practices on the student s appropriation of knowledge and that, as restrictions of educational assessment are lessened, the teaching/learning process can be recreated


aprendizagem - avaliação didatica analise do discurso rendimento escolar - avaliação

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