O currículo na voz dos professores: um estudo de caso à luz da epistemologia social




This research had as main goal to reach the meaning of a curriculum to a group of teachers from a public school in Blumenau, SC, in the perspective of social epistemology from Thomas Popkewitz, which researches reach to understand what are the systems of knowledge and reasoning that are found in school and organize the way teachers see the curriculum and transform it into action. With the objective of leading this research, I looked, in a more accurate way, to understand the historical formation of education in Blumenau, identify the curriculum conception that are in attendance in the educational bureaucrat document, analyze which are the reasonings and knowledges systems tha t guide the conceptions and practice of a certain group of teachers and investigate the relations between the historical constitution of the municipality, the curriculum politics and meanings regarding the teachers who participated on the research. To reach the application goals, we have done a case study, having instruments such as documents, daily observation and structured interviews. A field research, that happened between March until July 2005, had a participation of 14 teachers. The data analysis, done in a quantity way, showing to a curriculum as place/set as to create a politic knowledge and practice. It has also shown a perspective of a content disciplinary curriculum and to all strategies that led to regulate public politics, which historically, has taken to a conception process of division and execution of educational politics, being this last one to the teachers concern


social epistemology education epistemologia social curriculo educação ensino de primeiro grau - currículos epistemologia currículo curriculum

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