O collegio de educandos artífices - 1865-1874: a infância desvalida da Parahyba do Norte




The present work has as purpose to analyse the condition of the children and their childhood in the context of the economic and social crisis, experienced by the Província da Parahyba do Norte. As reference we present the period of working of Collégio de Educandos Artíficies from 1865 to 1874. This institution was created by Lei Provincial in 1859 and had as objective to teach elementary studies of letters, giving education to the work of the abandoned childhood. To write this story represented a challenge, mainly, because we had to realize how it was formed a historical education culture especially a professional education, focusing in children of a determined class at the same time constituted for an economic social and cultural experience, advised by Thompson (1997). Studying this mentioned institution, we tried to answer the following questions: Who were the children that became members in school? Where did the resources to the maintence of the institution come from? What were the interest of the provincial government when created it? Which did economic social and cultural demands motivated it? This way we produced our analysis from theoretical references and methods defended for the social and cultural history in the perspective conceived by Burke (2005). Elementary sources were used, in other words, manuscripts regarding Collégio de Educandos Artífices, such as: reports, written and formal communication, contractual terms and trial balance which belong to collection of the historical archives of state of Paraíba FUNESC. Besides we utilized the regiment, regulations and norms considering the public instruction, in particular produced in Parahyba do Norte. Secondary sources including books and articles related to the theme, were very important to realize the communication with other similar institution, located in other provinces of Brazilian Impire. Finally we conclude our studies indicating the importance which had this institution to the development of trades intended to formation of the abandoned childhood in Parahyba do Norte in eight hundreds, constituting therefore an important forerunner of the professional education in Brazil, mainly, in republican Paraíba.


children cultura escolar infância historia education culture teaching of trade ensino de ofício childhood criança

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