O cha verde (Camellia sinensis) atenua a nefropatia atraves da redução da expressão da subunidade NOX-4 da ND(P)H oxidase no diabetes mellitus experimental / Green tea (Camellia sinensis) attenuates nephropath by downregulating Nox4 NADPH oxidase in experimental diabetes mellitus




It has been suggested that green tea (GT) has beneficial properties in the treatment or prevention of human disease. The major biological mechanisms of action of GT are being attributed to its antioxidant properties. Several lines of evidence suggest that oxidative stress contributes to the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. The effect of GT on diabetic nephropathy is unclear. We tested the hypothesis that GT prevents diabetes and hypertension-related renal oxidative stress and attenuates renal injury. Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with streptozotocin-induced diabetes and control SHR were treated daily with tap water or fresh GT extract. After 12 weeks, the systolic blood pressure was unchanged by diabetes or GT. However, there was a decrease in body weight and a significant (p<0.0001) increase in blood glucose level in diabetic SHR. These parameters were unaffected by GT therapy. GT prevented the increase in 8-hydroxy-2 - deoxyguanosine, an indicator of renal oxidative stress-induced DNA, and nitrotyrosine, an indicator of oxidative stress-induced protein modification, that were significantly (p<0.01) elevated in diabetic SHR. Likewise, GT attenuated(p=0.048) ADPH oxidase-dependent superoxide generation and the expression of renal ortex NOX-4, a subunit of NADPH oxidase, that were elevated (p=0.013) in diabetic HR. Treatment with GT significantly (p=0.048) reduced the indices of renal injury, lbuminuria and renal expression of collagen IV in diabetic SHR. GT reestablished he redox state and reduced the indicators of nephropathy without altering blood lucose and blood pressure levels in diabetic SHR. These findingssuggest that the onsumption of GT may ameliorate nephropathy in diabetic hypertensive patients.


albuminuria oxidative stress diabetic nephropathy camellia sinensis diabetes mellitus estresse oxidativo nefropatias diabeticas

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