O cavalo de tróia das políticas sociais Brasil e Argentina: um estudo comparado das políticas públicas / The trojan horse of the social policy Brazil/Argentina: a comparative study of public policies




There is in Latin America an inversion paradox in the terrain of democratic conquests that has tried to include its citizens into the Substantive Rights and a society dynamics that in its History, has produced huge inequalities deepening the exclusions, and denying the citizenship concerning its self-regulated Political and Social Rights. It does concerns the ways of facing the social question to the poverty condition foresee considering several social policies through where States seen forced to re-build its institutional access and/or creating social and alternative opportunities to the majority of its excluded population. This research centers the investigation in a comparative study of two official social programs (monetary transference programs) to fight poverty: Bolsa Família and Plan Jefes y Jefas del Hogar Desocupado (Argentina) and its results, facing the phenomena more all-purpose of inequality and as the citizenship and civil society concepts connect to its broad social fields of political sources, in connection to the local (territory), and also, its specific aspects, in contrast with official speeches and contradiction actions, also its correlated tensions. The monetary transference programs concerns the period where exclusion in the two countries increased, assuming new dimensions, and demanding more effect measures to fight poverty. The investigation centers the analysis of a systemic institution role reflecting the macro and micro sociological aspects concerning the agents involved into different states and in different governmental levels through the analytic and criticized view, mapping the internal circuits, actors involved in this process, its discursiveness through selected programs documents, primary and secondary sources of the socio-political field study.


argentina argentina bolsa família bolsa família brasil brazil conformation democracia democracy exclusão exclusion inclusão inclusion jefes y jefas del hogar desocupados jefes y jefas del hogar desocupados minimum wage monetary transference programs políticas sociais renda mínima social policy

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