O banditismo social em regiões periféricas do Brasil e do México na segunda metade do século XIX: Antônio Silvino e Pancho Villa / The social banditism in peripherical areas of Brazil and Mexico on the second half of the XIX century: Antônio Silvino and Pancho Villa. 2008.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




ROSA, M.A.R. The social banditism in peripherical areas of Brazil and Mexico on the second half of the XIX century: Antônio Silvino and Pancho Villa. 2008. Dissertation (Master) PROLAM, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2008. Starting from the second half of the XIX century, Latin America is definitely incorporated to the international capitalist system under the condition of the appendix of the world market - which was then ruled by England - as the producer and supplier of agricultural products. The consolidation of the liberal principles defended by American young nations political elites establishes the modernization need of the internal economical sectors. At the same time, the penetration of the Capitalism brings about deep transformations on the social sectors and the pressure and the onus of this mechanism falls, as a last resort, upon the poor rural class in the remaining indigenous communities. By the means of the State action, it starts the process of appropriation and expansion of the potentially agriculturable lands and the regions which were remote and isolated in the past, become integrated to the totality of the national territory. The disconnection of the rural values resulted from this process caused the reaction of the peasant people and stimulated the growth of the social banditism. In this current work, we establish a parallel analysis, through the utilization of the comparative method, about this process in Brazilian Northeast and in the North of Mexico, considering as a starting point the action of two contemporary bandits who acted in each one of these areas. The different trajectories which get established between both characters, starting at a certain moment, reveal the interference of the particular and distinct historical processes in each country


modernização modernization peasant values banditism banditismo valores camponeses

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