O ato médico no crime de tortura / Medical act in the crime of torture


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present research aims to verify if legislation created after World War II was able to inhibit maleficent behavior from medical doctors in the improvement and cover-up of torture. This study aims to demonstrate the medical involvement in experiments with human beings during World War II and confirm that medical maleficence was and still is part of our reality, allowing doctors to involve with torture since the Cold War until current days, especially in the United States war on terrorism, violating the basic principles of Bioethics. Secondly, if legislation and overall efforts prove to be inoperative and inefficient, the objective is to propose solutions, in light of notions of Bioethics, rules of International Law and Human Rights.


bioethics bioética direito penal direitos humanos human rights legislation tortura maleficence medical doctors torture tribunal internacional

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