O aparato inalação de gases: a colaboração de James Watt (1736-1819) e Dr. Thomas Beddoes (1760-1808) / The apparatus for inhalation of gases: collaboration of James Watt (1736-1819) e Dr. Thomas Beddoes (1760 - 1808)




In this dissertation we approach pneumatic studies, made by James Watt (1736-1819) that led to the construction of a portable apparatus for gas inhalation in collaboration with the medical therapies of Dr.Thomas Beddoes (1760 - 1808). This apparatus was used in the pneumatic project of Dr.Thomas Beddoes, scientific research, the Pneumatic Medical Institution in Bristol, on the potential use of gases in pulmonary diseases. Analyzing the studies and experiments pneumatic of James Watt , focusing on his only work written in collaboration with Dr.Thomas Beddoes, Considerations on The Medicinal Use of factitious Air and Manner of Obtaining them in Large Quantities in Two Pats, 1794. At the same time we analyze the thinking of pneumatics Dr.Joseph Black English (1728 - 1799), Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) and Dr.Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), who contributed to the study of gases developed by James Watt. This analysis strengthens our argument that these studies have worsened the pneumatic medicine


quimica -- historia history of science gases -- uso terapeutico -- obras anteriores a 1800 history of chemistry historia das ciencias watt, james -- 1736-1819 aparelho inalatório beddoes, thomas -- 1760-1808 inhaled device história da química

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