O acompanhamento terapêutico na assistência e reabilitação psicossocial do portador de transtorno mental / Therapeutic continuity in health care and psychosocial rehabilitation of mental disorder patients




The psychiatric reform made it possible for transformations to take place in mental health care and therapeutic continuity (TC), as a health care modality and psychosocial rehabilitation of individuals with mental disorders. Since then, therapeutic continuity has broadened its concepts and founded its theoretical bases. Hence, its practice has become increasingly acknowledged by different professionals and valued for the fact it fills the gaps that were left from traditional psychiatric treatments, mainly after the doors to asylums, which used to keep mentally ill individuals cloistered, were completely open and appropriate forms of looking after these patients and rehabilitate them were implemented. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the contribution of TC over the health care process and psychosocial rehabilitation of an individual with mental disorders seen at a Psychosocial Care Center, and chosen with the help of its multiprofessional team. To do this, 16 TC appointments were scheduled, which were carried out at different locations. These meetings were observed and their contents were recorded, summarized, and analyzed according to the qualitative method. The results showed that TC has a very positive contribution in the health care and psychosocial rehabilitation of mental disorder patients, with actions such as: recovering selfesteem, going back to activities the patient did before his mental disorder symptoms appeared, motivation to once again become involved in leisure activities and lead a healthier life among his family and social environment, creating moments of confrontation between his mental condition and reality, which made it possible to change his behavior and improve his quality of life. Thus, it is understood that TC is another therapeutic modality that contributes with the psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with mental disorders. Furthermore, it can be included in the therapeutic plans of mental health care services, since it is a untraditional therapeutic modality totally inserted in the context of psychiatric reform, whose main principle is to change the focus of health care services to individuals with mental disorders.


assistência psiquiátrica psychiatric care therapeutic continuity therapeutic modality modalidade terapêutica psychosocial rehabilitation acompanhamento terapêutico reabilitação psicossocial

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