Nutrition status restrictions of the public teaching net students in a familiar agriculture city / Condicionantes do estado nutricional de escolares da rede pública de ensino em município com agricultura familiar




The infancy and the adolescence are ideal periods to the promotion of healthy food habits and lifestyle. However, in Brazil, the collection of researchs produced about the adolescence is still rare and it refers predominantly to the conditions of the young residents of the large urban centers. Most of the times the diversity that characterize the infancy and the adolescence in the rural area are not taken into consideration. This research, had among its objectives the analyses of the nutritional status, food consumption and the life conditions of the students (n = 150), both genders, residents, in their majority in the rural area and registered in the public teaching net of Piedade, Sao Paulo State. Anthropometrical indicators were analysed ( Z-escore of height-forage and of weight-for-age – WAZ) and the distribution of the percentis of the Body Mass Index – BMI. Together to the students, pieces of information were obtained, by applying a 24-hour dietary recall and from a questionnaire related to the participation in the Brazilian School Meal Program. The pieces of information related to socioeconomic conditions were obtained together to the parents/responsible people. Concerning the nutritional status, it is highlighted the prevalence of 4% of students with HAZ escore <−2 (indicative of height deficit). It is called the attention to the proportion of students with BMI ≤ 5º P (10,7%), proportion that is practically twice the sum expected (5%). Moreover, it is worth to emphasize the reduced prevalence (6,6%) of students with BMI ≥ 95º P (indicative of obesity). In relation to food consumption, it is noticed that an expressive proportion of students revealed reduced intake of energy (average consumption of 1887,74 kcal), fibers, vitamin A, folacin, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium and phosphorus. It was identified an substantial intake of sodium. The analysis of the participation of macronutrients in the total energy value shows that around 47% of the students revealed diets classified as adequates. The majority (52,5%) of the students revealed to adopt diets classified as inadequate ones. Referring to the participation in the Brazilian School Meal Program, it was identified that 81,3% of the students declared to consume the meals offered in the school. Nevertheless, among the students that consume routinely the “school meal”, 66,4% declared the meals “not enjoyable”. It is worth to register that the association statistically significative was identified between physical activity and nutritional status. The adoption of educative activities, as well as the monitoring of the nutritional status, can act in a decisive way in the prevention of the situations that may conduct to weight excess and in the identification of the causes associated to the underweight. The envolvement of health and education organs in the establishment of educative activities, in the school ambit, notably, of the public teaching net, assumes essential role, having in mind that the environment represents a privileged space to the incentive to the adoption of the a healthier lifestyle.


merenda escolar saúde pública adolescent nutritional status school meal consumo de alimento food consumption nutrição humana food security school feeding estado nutricional alimentação escolar human nutrition segurança alimentar adolescente public health

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