Números inteiros: panorama de pesquisas produzidas de 2001 a 2010


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this study was to make an assessment of dissertations and thesis in Mathematics Education and Mathematics prepared between 2001 and 2010, produced in four universities: PUC-SP; UNESP; UNICAMP and USP, which focus was the content of whole numbers in the teaching and learning process. It is about a document study named state-of-the-art. In accordance with Fiorentini and Lorenzato (2006), this type of research aims at make an inventory, systematize and evaluate the scientific production in a certain area of knowledge, aiming at identifying and describing the state of the knowledge of an area or theme of study. Therefore, 12 works (four theses, four academic master degree theses and four professionalizing master degree theses) were analyzed. Therefore, three analysis axles guiding the research were used and aided in the identification of trends and convergences. After the index card system and review of works, it was possible to verify that from these works, ten were destined to students, six were based on qualitative research and methodological procedures, comprising application of initial theses, teaching intervention and post-testing; eight works showed convergences among purposes, when searching to evidence the efficiency of different strategies in the teaching and learning process. Some ideas of Jean Piaget and Raymond Duval represented half of the theoretical grounds employed in the researches. Eight of resources used in learning of whole numbers referred to games, manipulative materials and information and communication technology


state-of-the-art números inteiros teaching and learning estado da arte matematica mathematics ensino e aprendizagem whole numbers

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