Notas para uma abordagem das questões da economia urbana em Brasília




In this thesis some concepts of urban economy like: value, localization and externalities or composed assets were investigated under the double focus of urban theories and localization theories. This theory revision is based on the reading of the books Mercado e Ordem Urbana [Market and Urban Order] of Pedro Abramo and Espaço Intra-urbano no Brasil [Intra-urban Space in Brazil] of Flávio Villaça, and Brasílias main plain urbanization process, from the beginning contest until nowadays, has been investigated under the highlights of the localization theories that were applied to two characteristics examples of the city: the superquadra and the semidetached houses of the blocks 700. It was possible to identify from this analyses that some theoretical conclusions could be applied to Brasília while others cannot de applied, and this could be attributed to the unforeseen consequences due to the conformation of the original plane proposed by Lucio Costa and mainly, because the modifications that have been done later.


brasília urban economy brasília arquitetura e urbanismo economia urbana semidetached houses urbanization urbanização casas geminadas

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