No limiar da transcendência - a alquimia e o sagrado em Jung: reflexos na atualidade




This study approaches the alchemy in the circuit of Jung psychology giving emphasis to the most important aspects to the religion science and its analytic usage. Starting from the mythic conceptions in the Iron Age. The study goes through the history of alchemy since the ancient days to the twentieth century. It also points out the importance of Opus Alchimicum in the analytic process developed by Jung, emphasizing the symbolism of production of Lapis Philosophorum. The signalization of the stages in the individuality way. It exposes the critics rose by Jung to the Christian way as to its unilateral cite , the proposal to compensate and overcome this unilaterally by retaking from this rich symbolism by the medial alchemy. This study finds out that the alchemic symbolism, as being arch type was not extinguished, it still remains nowadays, it can be applied in the clinic usage and demonstrate the unequivocal signals from the collective psych pointed to a search of integration between Spirit and material, the revalorization of the body and the feminine principle even in a different context than the catholic Christians


ciências sociais aplicadas idéias alquímicas psicologia junguiana jung e a alquimia

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