No encontro, os sentidos : efeitos da formação de monitores de educação infantil / In the meeting, the senses : effects of formation of kindergarten and pre-school educators




Taking Bakhtin (1986, 2003) as the main theoretical and methodological interlocutor, this research aimed to understand the elaborations on the childhood and the work on Child Education produced by educators (monitors), from interlocutions lived in an Improvement Course for these professionals, organized and conducted by the Training Coordination of the Campinas Municipal Education Network, between the years 2003 to 2006. After the conclusion of the course, based on the link between the systematic theoretical knowledge of the profession with the practical and everyday knowledge of the monitors, it was raised, through interviews with the Course Educators, indicators of how the concepts related to childhood and the Child Education, shared in the course, were seized and are being drawn up by them, and how these concepts mediated their identity and professional practice. From the indicators raised, stood out, in terms of professionalism, the recognition of the educational dimension of care and the role of the monitor as a child educator, the demand for greater participation of the professional sector in the planning of the units of Child Education and the retraining of the Continued Formation Courses destined to this segment, given the theoretical dimension of teacher training, linked to the practical dimension. The access to the systematic knowledge concerning childhood proved to be crucial in two aspects: the possibility to understand and re-signify the child s activities and the choices made by teachers in their work, questioning or endorsing such choices. This understanding, according to the monitors, allowed them more based and autonomous interventions in their work, which contributed to a greater appreciation of this professional segment and the re-elaboration of the historical tensions between teachers and monitors.


educação infantil infancia working relationship relações trabalhistas formação profissional language professional learning kindergarten and pre-school education linguagem childhood

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